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Comparing banks

Find the best bank in Germany

Verivox NGG Siegel

Mit der Nirgendwo-Günstiger-Garantie von Verivox sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite. Sollten Sie denselben Ratenkredit des jeweiligen Kreditinstituts, den sie über uns abgeschlossen haben, über das konkrete Kreditinstitut oder einen Kreditvermittler zu einem günstigeren Zinssatz erhalten, erstatten wir Ihnen die Zinsdifferenz - maximal jedoch einen Betrag in Höhe von insgesamt 300 € - in Form einer Einmalzahlung direkt auf Ihr Konto.

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Mehr Informationen über Kredite

Tages & Festgeld

Mehr Informationen über Tages- und Festgeld


Optionen wählen
Mehr Informationen über Girokonten


Kreditkarten wählen
Mehr Informationen über Kreditkarten


Mehr Informationen über Depots


Bei Eingabe der Postleitzahl Ihres aktuellen Wohnorts werden auch regionale Anbieter angezeigt und Sie finden so die günstigsten Bauzinsen.
Mehr Informationen zur Baufinanzierung
  • Top-Zinsen mit rund 40% Ersparnis

    Verivox-Kunden sparten in den letzten fünf Jahren mit einem im Mittel 41,53% günstigeren eff. Jahreszinssatz über 40% Zinsen im Vergleich zum durchschnittlichen deutschen Kreditnehmer (bundesweiter durchschnittlicher eff. Jahreszinssatz für Ratenkredite mit mehr als 5 Jahren Laufzeit: 6,82%. Errechnet aus den mtl. Durchschnittszinssätzen für Konsumentenratenkredite deutscher Banken für Neugeschäft von Januar 2019 bis Dezember 2023, Quelle: Deutsche Bundesbank | Zinsstatistik vom 05.02.2024).

  • Schnelle Zusage und Auszahlung
  • Unverbindlich, kostenlos und Schufa-neutral

Verivox-Kunden sparten in den letzten fünf Jahren mit einem im Mittel 41,53% günstigeren eff. Jahreszinssatz über 40% Zinsen im Vergleich zum durchschnittlichen deutschen Kreditnehmer (bundesweiter durchschnittlicher eff. Jahreszinssatz für Ratenkredite mit mehr als 5 Jahren Laufzeit: 6,82%. Errechnet aus den mtl. Durchschnittszinssätzen für Konsumentenratenkredite deutscher Banken für Neugeschäft von Januar 2019 bis Dezember 2023, Quelle: Deutsche Bundesbank | Zinsstatistik vom 05.02.2024).

  • Sparzinsen von rund 800 Banken im Vergleich

  • Bis zu 3 % Zinsen für 1-jähriges Festgeld

  • Bis zu 3,5 % Zinsen aufs Tagesgeld

Top-Zinsen sichern
  • Kostenlose Kontoführung
  • Niedrige Dispozinsen
  • Kostenlose EC- und Kreditkarten
  • Mehr als 50 Kreditkarten im Vergleich
  • Schnell Bonus- und Rabattpakete finden
  • Bequem mit wenigen Eingaben
Störer Kreditkarte 0 Euro Jahresgebühr
  • Günstiger traden – ab 2 Euro pro Order
  • Über 20 Depots im Direktvergleich
  • Top-Anbieter für ETFs und Sparpläne finden
  • Beste Konditionen für Ihre Baufinanzierung

  • Über 400 Banken im Vergleich

  • Persönliche Beratung vor Ort

Inhalt dieser Seite
  1. List of top banks in Germany
  2. Current account (Girokonto)
  3. Savings account (Sparkonto)
  4. Share dealing account (Depot)
  5. Personal loan (Ratenkredit)
  6. Credit or debit card (Kreditkarte)
  7. Mortgage (Baufinanzierung)
  8. Frequently asked questions
  9. Das ist Verivox

Personal loan

Our toll-free English hotline will help you compare loans, find the best interest rate and receive your money within 24 hours.

Personal loan

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Credit card

Comparison and guide to finding your ideal credit card in Germany.

Credit card

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Frau zahlt mit Karte am Kartenlesegerät

Bank account

Find the perfect bank for you and open an account in 3 easy steps.

Bank account

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Savings account

Compare the best savings accounts in Germany with the comparison tool from Verivox.

Savings account

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How to invest your money. Compare the best investment options in Germany.


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Compare banks with Verivox

Whether you’ve recently moved to Germany or been here a while, you probably want to know which is the best bank for you here. If you’re looking for a current account, want to invest money or take out a loan, Verivox can help you to find the best high street and online banks in Germany effortlessly. The Verivox comparison tool helps you to compare a whole host of banks – and you can filter the results by applying various criteria.

List of top banks in Germany

You can learn more about a specific bank by clicking on its name in the list below. Here you will find information, comparisons, as well as customer reviews and testimonials of Verivox customers who have taken out a loan with the bank.

Best banks in Germany for expats

Finding the right bank account for you as an expat does not have to be daunting. Verivox can help you compare and find the right bank. Most online banks provide customers with basic information in English, and some also employ English-speaking customer service staff, while others offer online banking in English. With online banks in particular, a bank account can be opened quickly if you have your ID card/passport and proof of residence in Germany to hand. If you don’t have all the documents you need, you may have to complete a few additional steps.

Best banks in Germany for students

For those who are studying in Germany, most banks offer a no-fee current account. Be aware that the terms can change and give rise to charges once you graduate. It is also important to check that there are no hidden charges with your chosen account. Cash withdrawals from cash machines, for example, should also be free.

Current account (Girokonto)

Most consumers use a current account for their everyday financial transactions. They use it to receive their wages and for bank transfers, direct debits, outgoing payments and cash withdrawals. The features of this type of account differ from one bank to the next. High street banks (Filialbanken), which offer the benefits of personal service and a physical presence, generally charge an account management fee (Kontoführungsgebühr) to cover their costs. Online banks (Direktbanken), on the other hand, generally do not charge a management fee but expect customers to carry out most of their transactions online. For this type of free account, online banks in Germany often require customers to pay in a certain amount of money every month, 700 or 1,000 euros for example. This type of account is also known as a "salary account” (Gehaltskonto).

Credit and overdraft interest rates

Interest rates are important criteria when comparing current accounts. At present, banks very rarely pay interest on account holders’ credit balances. If you use Verivox to compare current accounts, however, you can still find some banks that pay interest.

Overdraft interest (Dispozins) is charged when an account holder uses their overdraft facility – overdraws their account. The interest can vary between seven and fifteen percent and is a factor that should be considered when choosing a bank. Customers can avoid paying high overdraft interest rates by taking out a debt consolidation loan.

Withdrawing cash

When thinking about high street banks, the number and location of cash machines (Geldautomaten) and branches in your local area can be an important factor. It determines how easily you can obtain cash free of charge at any time. Banks that operate no cash machines, or only a few, have joined forces in groups, such as Cash Group and Cashpool, which allow customers to withdraw cash free of charge from any of the banks in the group. By working together, the density of these banks’ cash machine networks can rival that of other banks. Online banks often offer a free credit card with their current accounts, which customers can use to withdraw cash free of charge from the cash machines of any bank, even ones that belong to different banking groups.

The Verivox bank comparison tool lets you choose whether to compare only free current accounts or accounts with maintenance fees as well. Apart from fees, the comparison results show which banks offer free sign-up cash or other rewards for new customers. Even in the case of accounts that provide attractive rewards, customers should still look for those that offer the best overall terms and conditions.

Compare current accounts now

Jetzt Girokonten vergleichen


Optionen wählen
  • Kostenlose Kontoführung
  • Niedrige Dispozinsen
  • Kostenlose EC- und Kreditkarten

Savings account (Sparkonto)

With Verivox, you can find excellent savings rates for every need. A money market account is a good option if you want to invest in the short term while always retaining access to your money. A fixed-rate savings account generates a higher return, but you cannot access your money until the account matures. Both account types are very secure. Investing in funds and shares entails more risk but can also yield high returns. Verivox can help you find the best share dealing account for your needs.

Money market account – Tagesgeld

Money market deposit accounts (Tagesgeld) are gradually replacing traditional passbook savings accounts (Sparbuch) as the most popular investment vehicle. They offer higher interest rates and are easier to manage. If you want to keep money in a safe place before making a large acquisition or for any other purpose, or simply wish to make a short-term investment while retaining flexibility, a money market account can be the right choice – you can access your money at any time. There are no minimum terms or notice periods and usually no fees either. Apart from the good interest rates, another key factor is the deposit protection scheme, which safeguards deposits up to an amount of 100,000 euros per bank and customer.

Fixed-rate savings account – Festgeld

Fixed-rate savings accounts, which are also known as fixed- term accounts, are a little different. They offer higher interest rates, produce more interest than money market accounts, and are suitable for medium-term investments. Unlike the variable interest rates offered by money market accounts, which can fluctuate significantly, those available with fixed-rate accounts are fixed for an agreed term. Unless agreed otherwise in advance, the account holder cannot access their money during this period. It is advisable to invest in this type of account only an amount that you can do without for a certain period. The deposit guarantee scheme for banks within the European Union protects fixed-rate savings accounts as well.

Compare money market accounts and fixed-rate savings accounts

To compare accounts, enter the amount of money that you want to invest and the duration of your investment. The search results will enable you to choose the right account and bank for you.


Tages & Festgeld

  • Sparzinsen von rund 800 Banken im Vergleich

  • Bis zu 3,5 % Zinsen aufs Tagesgeld

  • Nur Angebote mit 100% Einlagensicherung

Share dealing account (Depot)

For long-term wealth accumulation, investors can also invest in securities (Wertpapiere), which include stocks, shares, bonds and other certificates. For this purpose, you need an account in which to hold and trade shares in companies and investment funds, for example. When comparing the share dealing accounts of different banks in Germany, consumers should examine the administration fee (Depotkosten) and dealing commission (Orderkosten), because these will affect the net return.

Compare share dealing accounts now

Depot-Vergleich starten


  • Günstiger traden – ab 2 Euro pro Order
  • Über 20 Depots im Direktvergleich
  • Top-Anbieter für ETFs und Sparpläne finden

Personal loan (Ratenkredit)

For detailed instructions on how to apply for a loan using Verivox, read the following guide:

Loans in Germany

An inexpensive personal loan helps with short-term cash needs, whether for car repairs, a new kitchen or other purchase, or for home renovation. Applicants must have reached the age of 18 and be resident in Germany, but their credit score (Bonität) is another major determinant. It indicates the likelihood of a customer being unable to meet their payment obligations. The credit score is based on your employment status, financial situation, and information obtained from the credit rating agency Schufa.

The interest rates applied by many banks depend on a customer’s credit score. To calculate your personal interest rate, these banks need to run a soft credit check (Konditionenanfrage). The bank will check whether you are eligible for a loan and calculate your personalised interest rate (Zinssatz) and monthly instalment payments (monatliche Rate). You cannot effectively compare the products of several banks, therefore, until you have obtained several non-binding loan offers. The Verivox loan comparison tool allows you to ask for a soft credit check from several banks directly without affecting your credit score.

Loan repayment holidays and early repayments

When comparing loans, the amount of the monthly instalment and the total cost of the loan are key factors. However, the comparison tool determines only the unalterable costs. If you decide in favour of optional services, such as loan protection insurance, an early repayment facility (Sondertilgung) or a loan repayment holiday (Ratenpause), the cost of these will be added to the cost of the loan.

Intended use of personal loans

Personal loans are often granted for borrowing money without a specified purpose. However, some banks offer more favourable terms for loans with a defined purpose, such as buying a car or modernising your home.

Start your loan comparison now

When you enter your intended purpose in the Verivox comparison tool, you will see all the available offers for your purpose as well as loans without a specific purpose to maximize your selection. This way you can be sure you are seeing all possible offers.

Jetzt Kreditvergleich starten

Verivox NGG Siegel

Mit der Nirgendwo-Günstiger-Garantie von Verivox sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite. Sollten Sie denselben Ratenkredit des jeweiligen Kreditinstituts, den sie über uns abgeschlossen haben, über das konkrete Kreditinstitut oder einen Kreditvermittler zu einem günstigeren Zinssatz erhalten, erstatten wir Ihnen die Zinsdifferenz - maximal jedoch einen Betrag in Höhe von insgesamt 300 € - in Form einer Einmalzahlung direkt auf Ihr Konto.

Mehr erfahren


  • Top-Zinsen mit rund 40% Ersparnis

    Verivox-Kunden sparten in den letzten fünf Jahren mit einem im Mittel 41,53% günstigeren eff. Jahreszinssatz über 40% Zinsen im Vergleich zum durchschnittlichen deutschen Kreditnehmer (bundesweiter durchschnittlicher eff. Jahreszinssatz für Ratenkredite mit mehr als 5 Jahren Laufzeit: 6,82%. Errechnet aus den mtl. Durchschnittszinssätzen für Konsumentenratenkredite deutscher Banken für Neugeschäft von Januar 2019 bis Dezember 2023, Quelle: Deutsche Bundesbank | Zinsstatistik vom 05.02.2024).

  • Schnelle Zusage und Auszahlung
  • Unverbindlich, kostenlos und Schufa-neutral

Credit or debit card (Kreditkarte)

More and more current accounts come with a free credit card (Kreditkarte). And some banks don’t even charge a basic fee (Grundgebühr) for credit cards that are not linked to one of their accounts. On the other hand, several card issuers that charge a high annual fee (Jahresgebühr) also offer bonus schemes. For people who make full use of the bonus schemes, the benefits can outweigh the costs.

Note that the German term "Kreditkarte” can refer to charge cards, daily charge cards, revolving cards, debit cards and prepaid cards. You can filter the Verivox card comparison tool by your preferred card type.

Credit card interest rates

Although some providers pay interest on credit balances (Guthabenzins), the debit interest rate (Sollzins) is more important when comparing credit cards. With cards that require the customer to pay monthly instalments (traditional cards that offer revolving credit), interest is charged on the debit balance; in many cases, the interest rates are in the double digits.


Some credit cards also allow customers to withdraw money from cash machines and make direct payments free of charge within the EU or even worldwide. Depending on how often you travel, these features can be important. Other cards offer attractive bonus schemes, such as cashback, vehicle fuel discounts or travel discounts, as well as various insurance policies and more.

Compare credit cards

With Verivox, you can conveniently select and compare different credit card providers online according to the desired payment system (Bezahlsystem), as well as fees (Gebühren) and free payment options. Some providers also offer discounts for new customers.You can compare dozens of credit and debit cards and instantly find bonus and discount schemes with minimal input.

Jetzt Kreditkarten vergleichen


Kreditkarten wählen
  • Mehr als 50 Kreditkarten im Vergleich
  • Schnell Bonus- und Rabattpakete finden
  • Bequem mit wenigen Eingaben

Mortgage (Baufinanzierung)

The German words "Baufinanzierung” and "Immobilienkredit” are usually treated as synonymous and refer to any kind of mortgage or home loan. In spite of the name, a "Baufinanzierung” can be issued in order to purchase an existing apartment or house, not only to finance the construction of a new one. In Germany, home loans are typically balloon mortgages with a final instalment payment that is larger than the prior payments. This final instalment pays off the outstanding amount of the loan. Apart from the interest rate and overall term (Gesamtlaufzeit), the fixed-interest period (Zinsfestschreibungsdauer) is also an important factor. Borrowers also undergo a more extensive credit check. If the loan amount is too high to be fully repaid during the fixed-interest period, a new interest rate is subsequently agreed for the remaining amount.

Tips for your bank comparison

Particularly when interest rates are low, many mortgage borrowers opt to fund their house purchase with an interest rate that is fixed for as long as possible and to pay off the loan quickly. If interest rates have risen by the time a follow-on mortgage is required, it’s beneficial if only a small amount still needs to be paid off. A loan that can be paid off completely during the agreed term (Volltilgerdarlehen) offers the greatest possible security.

In addition, borrowers are often recommended to agree an overall term that does not extend beyond retirement age (Rentenalter). Disposable income usually decreases upon retirement, which could impose a severe financial burden on a customer who’s still paying off a loan.

When comparing banks and other providers, pay attention not only to the lending rate (Sollzins) and effective interest rate (Effektivzins), but also to the transparency of the offer. The lender should provide a complete breakdown of all the costs and special conditions, so that you can easily compare the overall costs of different offers.

Verivox’s mortgage loan comparison tool encompasses more than one hundred banks, insurers and building societies.



Bei Eingabe der Postleitzahl Ihres aktuellen Wohnorts werden auch regionale Anbieter angezeigt und Sie finden so die günstigsten Bauzinsen.
  • Beste Konditionen für Ihre Baufinanzierung

  • Über 400 Banken im Vergleich

  • Persönliche Beratung vor Ort

How to find the best bank in Germany

When comparing banks, think about which product you need and about the terms and conditions or additional services that are important to you. Depending on whether you want to open a current or money market account, or obtain a credit card or loan, you should define your own terms and wishes beforehand and then compare these against the offers of the banks. Comparing banks with the free Verivox comparison tools is quick and clearly shows where costs can be saved.

Frequently asked questions

There is no single correct answer to the question of which bank is right for you. Depending on the financial product you need – whether it’s a current account, credit card, investment product, or loan – you may want to consider an online bank or a high street bank. Although high street banks have a lot of branches and offer local face-to-face support, they usually charge higher interest rates as well as account management fees. Online banks in Germany do not have any branches and provide the advantages of lower interest rates and free current and credit card accounts.

Some of the credit providers on Verivox specialise in specific types of loans, such as car loans or mortgages and home loans, or focus on certain target groups, such as the self-employed. These providers regularly offer more favourable terms than those that provide a more extensive range of financial products.

In principle, all the banks and lenders highlighted here by Verivox are subject to the regulatory regime of Germany or their home country. Providers within the EU are governed by the European regulatory regime for banks. On top of that, the statutory deposit protection scheme currently safeguards deposits with German and many other European institutions up to an amount of 100,000 euros per customer and bank. Some banks offer additional 100 percent protection for the deposits they hold for their customers. Regular security rankings and credit assessments of individual banks are also produced by the various financial research agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch. More information on this topic is available in our credit rating guide.

Different procedures apply depending on whether you want to switch to a new current account, for example, or reschedule your borrowing by taking out a new loan with another bank.

You can cancel a current account at any time, and switching accounts has been made easy by a dedicated account switching service. The German Payment Accounts Act of 2016 requires banks to help customers switch current accounts. In consequence, while the switch is in progress, all the parties involved in payment transactions affecting the account are notified about the new details. It’s still recommended, however, not to cancel the old current account until all payments have been redirected to the new one.

There are a few more things to consider when switching banks in order to restructure a loan. In the case of a personal loan, you must comply with the notice period and repay both the outstanding debt and the early repayment penalty to the old provider – with the help of the new loan, for example.

You can change your existing mortgage lender after ten years or after expiry of the fixed interest rate period without incurring a fee, subject to compliance with the notice period. Termination during the fixed interest rate period is possible only if a "legitimate interest” exists (as per Section 490 (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB)) and subject to compliance with the notice period. In this case, an expensive early repayment penalty and, if applicable, additional costs arising from a land register amendment have to be paid.

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